The pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, is native to Central America.

They are divided into three main groups: Pink on the outside and white pulp, Red on the outside and pink pulp, and yellow on the outside and white pulp. Within each group there are different varieties.


The fruit of the pitaya, with high antioxidant power, provides innumerable health benefits. It contains twice as much vitamin C as an apple and can offer, depending on the variety, up to twice the Brix degrees (dulzor) than a melon. It has been shown that pitaya helps with weight control and also helps regulate blood glucose levels. The pitaya is used to lose weight because it generates a thermogenic action in the body and accelerates the metabolism. The pitaya also has a substance called tyramine, which activates a hormone in the body called glucagon, stimulating the body itself to use the reserves of sugar and fat and transform them into energy.

In addition, it helps in digestion due to the presence of seeds in the pulp, it fights cardiovascular diseases, and it regulates the intestine because it contains oligosaccharides, which are fibers that fight constipation. It is a fruit rich in water, capable of regulating hypertension because it is diuretic and is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins B, C and E.

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